Founding fathers Norm Beckham and Bob Hewitt along other club members and harvard enthusiasts such as Leonard Fallowfield, ___, and _____ purchased their first harvard "CF-MKA" in 1969 from a chicken farm.
CF-MTX was purchased in 1975, CF-WPK and CF-NDB shortly there after. These harvards were operated privately, and flown for local events. The 4 ship formation team became a staple at local shows with solo aerobatics from Norm "Mr. Harvard" Beckham.
With the purchase of the fifth harvard CF-HWX around 1985, the Canadian Harvard Aircraft Association was founded. Two harvards were kept privately by Bob Hewitt, Norm Beckham and partners, MKA and NDB.
The two Beckhams, Norm and Kent began flying formation and solo-opposing aerobatics in the harvards in 19___. Following health problems Norm stepped away from flying in 1998.
Dave Hewitt, and CHAA member Pete Spence began training with Kent to form the Canadian Harvard Aerobatic Team, at the time a subsidiary of CHAA. The team debuted in 2000 at the London Airshow. Nearing 2012 the team privatized, heading in their own direction.
They operated for 20 years, adding a fourth pilot Marco Rusconi in 2014, incorporating 3 additional crew members, and officially disbanding in 2020.
06/24 was shortened to 1800ft in the mid 1970's, extended to 2400ft, then shortened again to 1800ft in the mid 80's as land owners and liability concerns changed. The eastern half of the airport was taken over by Kent Beckham in 2001. Runway 18/36 was removed in 2002 due to safety concerns with poor over runs and the occurence of aircraft accidents. With the purchase of land on the west side of the airport by the Hewitt Family in 2002, 06/24 was extended to the current length of 3200ft. The club purchased Piper J3 CF-RJS from club member Gord Martin in 2001 bringing the total aircraft up to two.
Today the club features over 70 members, 44 which are active flying members. The club continues to own and operate Cessna 172 EFH, and Piper J3 Cub SBM. In 2019 the airport was dedicated by land owner Marco Rusconi to Bob Hewitt and Norm Beckham, and formally renamed "Norm Beckham/Bob Hewitt Field". In 2021 the Club leased a Bellanca Citabria 7KCAB from the Hewitt family to further Club member experience with aerobatics and higher performance aircraft. In 2022 the Clubhouse was renovated, spearheaded by Tim Stackhouse to bring the dated interior to modern spec.
The Membership continues to grow with initiatives to bring in the next generation of aviators in full swing. Engagement following the COVID 19 Pandemic has sharply risen, and new experiences, opportunities, and friendships continue to develop.