Our Aviation Club is likely one of the most friendly, relaxing places to fly in Canada. Set right in the heart of a corn field with clear approaches, roomy hangars, a cozy clubhouse and fantastic members, it appeals to everyone.

We are an active group of aviators who enjoy all things aviation. Our home is Woodstock Airport, a private field West of Woodstock, steeped in history.

Feel free to drop in for a visit and see our planes, talk with our pilots or just enjoy the interesting atmosphere at a grass strip airfield. We all love encouraging people of all ages to get involved in aviation.


The Woodstock Ontario Flying Club is an Ontario incorporated not-for-profit, member driven, volunteer-based organization which enjoys and promotes safe and healthy aviation in our community through knowledge, integrity and a passion for fun, economical flying. We stand together in aviation etiquette and safety, ensuring we all come home safely.


Safety First. Integrity. Volunteerism. Honesty. Sharing

Norm Beckham/Bob Hewitt Field (CPR5)

In 2018 our airfield was renamed in honour of two of the most instrumental men in out club's success, the "Norm Beckham/Bob Hewitt Field". These fine gentlemen were instrumental in starting and growing the WOFC in 1968 onward. They were also the founders of the Canadian Harvard Aircraft Association in Tillsonburg Ontario, which started with one harvard in 1969 here in Woodstock. With grit and passion, legends were born.


  • President - Mark Van Dyke
  • Vice President - Dan Metcalfe
  • Secretary – Michael Hawkins
  • Treasurer - Bob Van Wyk
  • Aircraft Officers
    • 172-EFH - Andrew Taylor;
    • J3-SBM - Jarred Curtis
    • 7KCAB-ZVL - Jarred Curtis
  • Safety Officer - Paul Adair
  • Membership Officer - Rob Klingenberg
  • Building/Grounds Officer - Tim Stackhouse


  • Third Wednesday each month.
  • General Membership - odd numbered months
  • Board Meetings - even numbered months.
Members and guests are welcome to attend all meetings.


Our bylaws can be reviewed on this pdf file.

Membership and Application

The Field

Designator CPR5
Elevation 1040’
Surface Grass with gravel centreline on East end
Runways 06/24
Length 3040
Overruns 100 foot both ends


  • Taxiway midfield leads to a grass apron, hangars and our clubhouse
  • Airport is not maintained during winter
  • During summer, members are expected to pilot the mower, a six foot Cub Cadet Zero turn gas mower. It takes about 4 hours per mowing to keep our field in trim.
  • Instructional videos on tractor operation are found on the Members Only page.

Our Aircraft


1975 Cessna 172M C-GEFH

Avco Lycoming engine with McCauley prop. The plane was repainted in 2010 with a white fuselage and wings, with gray and maroon accent stripes.

Special Features:

  • Long Range Tanks - Note when calculating weight and balance
  • Airspeed Indicator in MPH - KIAS on inner scale with conversion chart in aircraft
EFH gauge panel

Audio upgraded in 2017. The original oil pressure and temperature gauges are inoperable and have been replaced by the dual type of gauge to their right.


J3 "Cub" C-FSBM

Purchased by the club in 2020 after restoration. A classic 1946 tailwheel aircraft. Equipped with Skis for winter operations.

Special Features:

  • 85HP Engine - Provides better performance
  • Main Gear Safety Cable Kit
  • Grove Disk Brake Conversion Consistent, no-fade braking performance
  • Pilot/Passenger Safety Harness System


  • We are not a check ride facility.
  • Aviators wishing to fly this aircraft must complete our Membership Application process and become a flying member of the Club.
  • 10 hours of instructional time required before going solo, and 20 hours before carrying passengers.


7KCAB Citabria C-FZVL

Leased by the club in July 2021 for advanced taildragger and aerobatic experiences. One of the first commerically produced aerobatic trainers built in 1968.

Special Features:

  • 150HP AEIO(Inverted fuel & oil)Fuel-Injected Engine - Aerobatic/Inverted flight capable
  • +5, -2 G rating
  • 100MPH cruise
  • 5 Point Harness Front and Rear


  • We are not a check ride facility.
  • Aviators wishing to fly this aircraft must complete our Membership Application process and become a flying member of the Club.
  • 5 hours of Aerobatic instructional time required before full signout.

Contact Now

  • 684442 County Rd 68,
    Woodstock, Ontario
  • (519) 539-3303
  • WOFC
    PO Box 1536
    Woodstock, ON
    N4S 0A7
  • WOFC eMail: